Water, Green, Environment
Japanese Site


Advanced Technology

OEC offers advanced technologies mostly developed in Japan to all over the world.

Comprehensive Sewage Treatment Plant Asset Management System


Feasibility evaluation for A Biogas Co-generation System in a sewage treatment system


Activated Sludge Model for Treatment Condition Forecasting


Power Generation by water head loss of siphons


Comprehensive Management Tools for Sewerage Work Systems


 OEC delivers more than 700 projects every year. Our projects are mostly related to creating clean water environment, protecting cities against flood, building recycle-based societies and realizing and maintaining comfortable sewerage service. Based on such consulting activities, we offer exclusive concepts, plans, schemes, designs or works collaborating with our professional engineers, as well as external academic resource for clients. We introduce our masterpieces at a glance.

-Yamazaki Sewage Treatment Plant (Kamakura city, Kanagawa pref, Japan)

This facility is an excellent model of effective use of existing sewerage treatment property. On the upper portion of the treatment facilities, a gymnasium was constructed without affecting wastewater treatment processes. It solved space constraint for the gymnasium and catered to requests from local residents'.


-Relaxation and recreation areas along the stream in a water amusement park

We offered the client to create the areas in the park, resulting in getting local residents to enjoy.


-Okutone Amenity Park (Gunma pref, Japan)

Located in the upstream of Tone River, which has the largest watershed in Japan, this waste recycling complex is featured by “zero emission approach for waste treatment”. Garbage generated within the premise is processed and reused as solid fuel. Human waste is composted and used for organic fertilizers as well.



 In 1973, OEC developed its first computer-assisted design system to enhance of design for water pipes and sewers. Before it developed, engineers designed pipes and sewers by hand. That forced engineers to take time consuming works, not only to design them but to correct them. Continuing development of those computerizing design assist systems and software, OEC has obtained strength to design more speedy and accurately as compared to competitors. Some developed systems enabled amateur engineers to design sewer network, calculate length of total pipes and estimate costs just by inputting various kinds of data such as elevation, lengths of pipes, wastewater flow volume, minimum pipe diameters, coverings, flow rate formula and others. These systems also offer automated facilities management systems including urban infrastructure facilities, water supply facilities, road asset informations, public park facilities and more.
 Sewers, wastewater treatment plants and pumping stations become obsolete in Japanese urban areas where sewage works constructed earlier than in other areas. It is necessary for these facilities to be inspected for damage and wear in preparation for rehabilitation, repair or renewal. In this connection, budget deficit in both the national government and local municipalities affect sewerage properties rehabilitation plans. With such a background in mind, we offer the Extension of Life Plan of Wastewater Facility (ELPWF) related to sewers, pumping stations, and wastewater treatment plants in line with a guideline established by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan (MLIT).